BN59-01301A, BN59 01301A, BN5901301A, RTBN5901301A, NU6900 series, NU7100 series, NU7300 series, UN40NU6070FXZA, UN40N5200AFXZA, UN40NU7100FXZA, UN43NU6900FXZA (RA06 / RZ03), UN43NU6900FXZC (RZ02), UN43NU7100FXZA, UN50NU6900BXZA, UN50NU6900FXZA, UN55NU6900BXZA, UN55NU6900FXZA, UN50NU7100FXZA, UN55NU7100FXZA, UN65NU7100FXZA, UN75NU6080FXZA, UN75NU7100FXZA, UN55NU7300FXZA, UN65NU7300FXZA, UN65NU6900FXZA, UN58NU7100FXZA, UN75NU6900FXZA, B65TH, BE65T-H, LH65BETHLGFXGO, BE75TH, BE75T-H, LH75BETHLGFXGO, UN65RU90000FXZA, UN75RU9000FXZA, UN82RU90000FXZA, UN70TU700DBXZA, BN81-16335A, BN81 16335A, BN8116335A, UN32M4500BFXZA, UN32N5300AFXZA, UN43N5300AFXZA, UN43NU6900FXZA (BA05 / BZ01), UN43NU6900FXZC (BZ01), UN43NU6950FXZA,
The models above reflect the known use of each remote based on our extensive database. Each Remote comes equipped with a fresh set of batteries before shipping so that the replacement remote may be used right out of the package!.